Zeus poseidon hades father
Zeus poseidon hades father

zeus poseidon hades father

Next Zeus would travel deep into the depths of Tartarus, and after killing the dragon Kampe, Zeus would release his uncles, the three Cyclopes, and the three Hecatonchires, from their own imprisonment. Zeus' grandmother, Gaia, would guide him, and so in the first stage of the uprising, a poison would be concocted, which ensured, when drunk by Cronus, that his would regurgitate the five siblings of Zeus imprisoned within his stomach. So on Crete, Zeus was allowed to grow to maturity in secret.Ī prophecy had already been made about a child of Cronus overthrowing his father, and Zeus would ensure that this prophecy came true. Inside the cave, Zeus' cradle was suspended so that it was neither on the earth or in the sky, places where Cronus would have become aware of his son additionally to drown out any crying from the baby, Korybantes would dance and bang drums and their shields. To ensure that Cronus never became aware of the deceit undertaken by his wife, care for the newborn Zeus was given over to the nymph Amalthea, and the child was hidden in a cave on Mount Ida. This was a fate that awaited Zeus as well, but Rhea and Gaia managed to substitute a clothed stone for the baby Zeus, and Zeus was secreted away to Crete without Cronus being aware of the substitution. This had meant that the previous children of Cronus and Rhea, and found themselves imprisoned in the stomach of Cronus. Being born to Cronus though, did not give Zeus a privileged position, and it was more likely to find him imprisoned, for Cronus was fearful of his own children overthrowing him. Zeus was born the sixth child of Cronus and his wife Rhea and so Zeus was brother to Hades, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter and Hestia.

Zeus poseidon hades father